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5 EASY Money Saving Tips

Would you like a few new, creative ways to save a little money?  Here are five tips to help you keep a little more “green” in your pocket:



1.  Shop only when you need something. Don’t shop for fun unless you are hunting for a bargain.


2.  Learn to do things yourself. Instead of hiring a painter, learn how to paint your kitchen like a professional. Want to landscape your yard? Take a free class at your local home improvement store on landscaping...and then do the work yourself.


3.  Live within your means. Hold off on purchases until you can pay cash.


4.  Research future purchases.  Find the best value for your money. Avoid cheaply made items that end up costing you more in the long run.


5.  Explore thrift stores and garage sales. Sometimes you can find high quality items at low prices.



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Fred Santangelo             Mission real Estate Group          San Antonio, Tx         210-710-1177

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